Thursday 27 November 2014

TExES Core Subjects EC-6 291 versus TExES Generalist EC-6 191 Exams

TExES Generalist EC-6 191 versus TExES Core Subjects EC-6 291

            You have probably heard that the state of Texas is going to phase out the Generalist EC-6 exam and replace it with the Core Subjects EC-6 exam.  According to TEA, the new core subjects exam will be more rigorous and will “distinguish” people that pass it from those that passed the Generalist EC-6.  However, it is unlikely that school districts will pay much attention to which exam a candidate has passed.  Their main goal is to hire highly qualified teachers, so candidates should not feel they are at a disadvantage if they have passed the Generalist EC-6.
            The Generalist EC-6 will be offered through August of 2015.   Anyone who passes the test by that date must complete all certification requirements by August 2017 in order to get their Standard Certificate.  If they do not, they will have to take the new Core Subjects EC-6 exam.

            It is important to note that anyone already fully certified in Generalist EC-6 will not have to take the new exam.

            The Core Subjects EC-6 will be offered beginning in January of 2015.  Right now, only phone registration is allowed.  The number to call to register is 1-800-205-2626.

            Many people are trying to decide which exam they should take.  In order to make that decision, it is important to know the similarities and differences of the exams.

            Both the Generalist EC-6 and Core Subjects EC-6 exams cover English Language Arts and Reading, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Fine Arts Health, and PE.

            In order to pass the Generalist EC-6, a test-taker must earn an overall score of 240.  He or she can still pass even if he failed a certain subject area, as long as the overall score is 240.

            The new Core Subjects EC-6 exam requires candidates to pass each core subject area.  Even if he or she does very well in three out of four subject areas, and fails one are, he/she will have to re-take that portion that he/she failed.  At first, the entire exam must be attempted, but after that, test takers may re-take only the portion he/she failed.

            Both the Generalist EC-6 and the Core Subjects EC-6 exams cost $120.  For individual subject tests that candidates need to re-take for the Core Subjects EC-6, the test fee will be $60 per subject area.

            Test takers are allowed 5 hours for the Generalist EC-6 exam and must answer 140 questions.  The English Language Arts and Reading counts for 32% of the exam, Math and Social Studies are each 19%, Science is 18%, and Fine Arts, Health, and PE are 12%.

            The Core Subjects EC-6 only allows 4 hours and 40 minutes for the exam, and there are 267 multiple choice questions.  This is a significant change from the Generalist EC-6, since there are 127 additional questions and 20 minutes less time.  The breakdown of the exam has also changed.  English Language Arts and Reading counts for less on this exam, but is still the largest part of the test and counts for 28%.  Mathematics counts for 18%, Social Studies 16%, Science 19 %, and Fine Arts, Health, and PE make up 19% of the exam.  

            Strong test takers will likely succeed at either exam.  Slower readers will probably do better on the Generalist EC-6, since there is more time allowed and less questions.  Also, if a test taker has one particular weak area, but is strong in all the other areas, he or she is more likely to pass the Generalist EC-6. 
            Another factor to consider is the deadline.  If a candidate does not think he/she can finish all requirements by August 2017, then he/she should take the Core Subjects EC-6 exam.


  1. Candidates can register online for the 291 now for free. After September 1st they will pay.

    1. Where I can register for the test EC-6 (generalistic)?

  2. What's the study guide for TExES Core Subjects 4-8 211???
    I need to start studying ASAP.
