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Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Tips for Taking the BTLPT or LOTE

Are you studying for the BTLPT or LOTE Spanish exams?  Here are some helpful tips for the actual test day.

1.  The test center will likely have a lot of distractions.  Expect to hear other people taking their test and doing their oral/speaking tasks.  Be prepared to block out noise mentally, and take ear plugs.  Make sure you tell the test proctor you have them.  You are allowed to have them, but be sure the proctor knows.

2. Get there early so you will hopefully be admitted before other test takers and choose a seat that you prefer.  Ask the test proctor to put as much space between you and other test takers as possible.

3.  Eat a healthy meal before you go.  The LOTE is a long test, and you don't want to be hungry and have a hard time concentrating.  The BTLPT is shorter, but it is still important to eat well before you go so your blood sugar level will not drop.

4. Replace anxious or negative thoughts with positive, realistic thoughts.  Remind yourself of your strengths and your hard work studying, and tell yourself you will do your best and pass.

5. Carefully read all instructions, and remember that once you complete a section, you cannot go back to a previous section.  Budget your time so you can finish each section.  There will be a clock on your screen showing how much time you have left.

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