The Core Subjects EC-6 exam is challenging! According to the State Board for Educator Certification website, the initial pass rate for the Core Subjects EC-6 exam is only 54.5%.
If you have taken it and not passed, you are in good company!
Important Information About Re-Taking the Core Subjects EC-6:
*You must wait 45 days to re-take the exam
*You only have 5 attempts to pass the test
*If you failed two or more sections (Math, Science, Social Studies, English Language Arts and Reading and the Science of Teaching Reading, and Fine Arts), then you should re-take the ENTIRE exam. You may skip the questions in the sections you already passed. If you take an individual subject exam, like Math, it counts as one of your attempts. That is why you should re-take the entire exam if you failed two or more sections. Otherwise, if you take Math and Science after failing the entire exam, you will have used three attempts. However, if you re-take the entire exam, that is only two attempts.
*Buy a good study guide and read the entire sections you need to pass. Make notes and flash cards, and use meta-cognitive strategies to check your understanding.
*Take released STAAR tests and when you miss questions, look up more information about those topics and concepts.
*Take sample tests that are for sale at When you miss questions, look up information about those concepts in your study guide. We also offer a comprehensive study guide at the same site.
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